
Contato para Inscrições

IFPB 2018

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Andreaus

Chemistry Department

Universidade Regional de Blumenau – FURB

Rua Antônio da Veiga 140

Blumenau - CEP 89030-903 Brazil

Fone: (+55)-47-3321-0544
Fax: (+55)-47- 3321-0559

Tipos de Inscrição

Tipo de Inscrição Acesso Disponível a partir de Disponível até Acesso expira em Valor
Brazilian Graduate Students - Early Bird


Special discount early bird registration for Brazilian graduate students until March 28, 2018


In order to make your payment please click here select your registration category, select finish registration and fill in your personal information (fill in at least the first 4 fields), click next, accept the above conditions, select finish, select the desired payment form, inform the requested data and click on "end order".

If you are not redirected for some reason, use the following link to pay your registration:

Residentes no Brasil podem também pagar via boleto. Para isso devem enviar um e-mail a informando seu nome, endereço, número de telefone, CPF, e-mail e a categoria de inscrição selecionada com o valor indicado, por exemplo: Brazilian Graduate Students – Regular 500.00 BRL. O boleto será enviado para o seu e-mail. Um comprovante do pagamento deve ser enviado por e-mail a


Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 350,00 (BRL)
Brazilian Graduate Students - Regular

Regular registration for Brazilian Graduate Students after March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 400,00 (BRL)
Brazilian Post-graduate Students - Early Birds

Special discount Early Bird registration for Brazilian Post-graduate Students - until March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 600,00 (BRL)
Brazilian Post-graduate Students - Regular

Regular registration for Brazilian Post-graduate Students, after March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 700,00 (BRL)
Brazilian Researcher / Professor - Early Bird

Early Bird registration for Brazilian Researcher / Professor until March 28, 2018

30 % off registration only R$ 840 - Due to governmental funding we can offer a special discount for Brazilian Researchers.

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 840,00 (BRL)
Brazilian Researcher / Professor - Regular

Regular registration for Brazilian Researcher / Professor after March 28, 2018

30 % off registration only R$ 1050 - Due to governmental funding we can offer a special discount for Brazilian Researchers.

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 1050,00 (BRL)
International Researcher - Early Bird

Early Bird registration for International Researcher until March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 1350,00 (BRL)
International Researcher - Regular

Regular registration for International Researcher after March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 1700,00 (BRL)
Company - Early Bird

Early Bird registration for Companies until March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 1500,00 (BRL)
Company - Regular

Regular registration for Company after March 28, 2018

for more details see explanations above

Online 1 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 2000,00 (BRL)

The amount for REGULAR SPONSOR includes one registration and publishing the company´s logo on the conference´s web-site, conference banners and conference proceedings.

for more details see explanations above

Online 27 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 5000,00 (BRL)

GOLD SPONSOR registration includes the right for three registrations and publishing the company´s logo on all conference materials including the web-site and a space (3 m2) for exhibition.

for more details see explanations above

Online 27 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 7000,00 (BRL)

PLATINUM SPONSOR have the the right for six registrations, publishing the company´s logo on all conference materials including the web-site and a space (6 m2) for exhibition.

for more details see explanations above

Online 27 de janeiro de 2018 27 de abril de 2018 10000,00 (BRL)